

Too cautious becomes a restriction

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  • LuckyNum0
  • Lucky Color Water Blue
  • Match ConstellationLibra

Comprehensive fortune:

You are too cautious, but it will bring you a lot of restrictions. In terms of work, your requirements for yourself are almost strict and high, which will inevitably make you feel very hard, especially when things are not as expected, it is more vulnerable. In love, try to appreciate each other's strengths, you will find that the relationship between the two can actually be softer.

Emotion fortune:

Single people should recognize the imperfect reality and lower the standard.

Job fortune:

Don't waste time on the questions you don't have in the exam, you should get the points you should get.

Wealth fortune:

It's easy to get anxious because of chasing stars.

Health fortune:

Get more active, don't stick to the stool all day.

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