

The regret is also perfect

Today Tomorrow Week Month Year
  • Overall
  • Emotion
  • Job     
  • Wealth  
  • Health
  • Lucky ColorNavy Blue
  • Match ConstellationTaurus

Comprehensive fortune:

This week you will be more harsh on yourself, and many places require you not only to meet the standard of completion, It's about achieving perfection. I have to remind you here that sometimes regret is also a perfection. There is no need to force yourself to perfection at all times.

Emotion fortune:

Single singles have a good peach blossom this week. They can be dated or confessed properly, and the success rate is relatively high. When they are not busy, talk to the other side more often. This will alleviate their stress. Can also let the other side feel that you care.

Job fortune:

In your career, this week can be said to be a perpetual motion machine in the workplace, and you can easily move between various projects without stopping; academically, there are not many problems in mastering theoretical knowledge. The focus is on paying attention to mood. Adjustment.

Wealth fortune:

This week is prone to emotional consumption. When you are unhappy, you want to vent by buying and buying. Just spend money for a while, eat soil and grow together.

Health fortune:

Pay attention to work and rest, drink more hot water, drink less carbonated drinks.

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