

Gentleness is the sharpest weapon

Today Tomorrow Week Month Year
  • Overall
  • Emotion
  • Job     
  • Wealth  
  • Health
  • Lucky ColorPurple
  • Match ConstellationSagittarius

Comprehensive fortune:

You may have suffered some blows last week, these blows may come from some small details Or a certain scene. From these frustrations, you will feel that your value is negated, and you want to resist and express more fiercely. However, the results often appear to be a bit too exaggerated, and even not very pleasing. It is recommended that you do not worry, take your time and believe that gentle voices tend to be louder.

Emotion fortune:

Single is suitable for giving off charm this week, so it is more suitable to participate in some social occasions; do not get angry with your partner, have any dissatisfaction or small emotions to vent reasonably, do n't shout or Make excessive demands.

Job fortune:

In business, it is easy to be distracted at work, showing a lazy and inactive side. Even in many cases, work must be rushed to complete under the urging of others; academically, we must work hard to advance towards our goals, and do not always have too many ideas.

Wealth fortune:

This week may be a fortune, always feel that money is spent everywhere, and these money can not be saved, but fortunately this situation will improve after Thursday.

Health fortune:

Be careful about getting angry and endocrine disorders.

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